Statuario Gold Quartz Worktops



Statuario Gold Quartz looks at home in any modern kitchen or bathroom. The elegant white surface glimmers in the light, creating a beautiful and spacious feel. Its bold gold veining has a real wow factor and perfectly mimics stunning marble stone! The angular veins crisscross the length of the slab to create a statement feature in any luxury home.

Statuario Gold Quartz Kitchen

Advantages of Statuario Gold Quartz Worktops


Statuario Gold Quartz worktops are known for their durability and toughness. Natural quartz is incredibly hard, so unlike cheaper worktops, quartz is a long-lasting investment that withstands regular wear and tear. These work surfaces are also heat-resistant, scratch-resistant, and completely non-porous, making them the best choice for kitchens and bathrooms.


Quartz work surfaces are anti-bacterial and fully waterproof. This makes them incredibly hygienic and perfect for prepping food. They’re also resistant to cuts and scratches, so you don’t have to worry about your counter harbouring germs and bacteria.

Low care and maintenance

Quartz is famous for being easy to maintain – this is probably why it’s so popular with busy families and high-traffic areas. If you spill something on your new quartz worktop, you don’t need to stress. You only need a soft cloth, dish soap, and warm water to clean up any spills and keep your quartz sparkling clean!


This unique Statuario Gold Quartz is a very popular choice for bathroom and kitchen worktops. The sleek white and dramatic veining fits seamlessly with white, dark, or wooden cabinets. Choosing white cabinets creates a light and airy kitchen, with the gold veining acting as a bold splash of colour. However, you can also pair Gold Statuario Quartz with contrasting darker cabinets to create a theatrical atmosphere in your kitchen. Whatever your colour scheme or style, this quartz is guaranteed to look stunning.

Statuario Gold Quartz Worktop Gallery



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